Treatment Prices
You are unique! Your treatment is designed not only to target your specific complaint but also your individual needs, which can vary considerably between two people presenting with the same condition.
To ensure I am working with you to achieve your treatment objectives, I will carry out an in depth consultation and a Functional Range Assessment (FRA) as needed on your first visit and continue to check with you regarding any changes to your health and well being before each subsequent treatment.
Following a thorough consultation we can the decide what the best approach will be for you going forward. Dry needling, dry cupping, IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisations) and hot stones are all available at no additional cost.
First session (including consultation and assessment)- 75 minutes €75
60 minute massage - €60
60 minute sports/deep/clinical fusion - €60
Pregnancy massage 90 minutes- €90
Pregnancy massage 75 minutes- €75
Pregnancy massage 60 minutes- €60
90 minute massage - €75
90 minute full body hot stone massage - €75
Private yoga/mobility tuition - from €50
To ensure I am working with you to achieve your treatment objectives, I will carry out an in depth consultation and a Functional Range Assessment (FRA) as needed on your first visit and continue to check with you regarding any changes to your health and well being before each subsequent treatment.
Following a thorough consultation we can the decide what the best approach will be for you going forward. Dry needling, dry cupping, IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisations) and hot stones are all available at no additional cost.
First session (including consultation and assessment)- 75 minutes €75
60 minute massage - €60
60 minute sports/deep/clinical fusion - €60
Pregnancy massage 90 minutes- €90
Pregnancy massage 75 minutes- €75
Pregnancy massage 60 minutes- €60
90 minute massage - €75
90 minute full body hot stone massage - €75
Private yoga/mobility tuition - from €50